
Diet Articles

Calories Burned = Fat Burned = Weight Loss -
Low Intensity Workout vs. High Intensity Workouts. Let’s solve the debate on low intensity vs. high intensity workouts. There are many conflicting statement about how long and how hard you need to exercise in order to lose weight.

Coffee Drink Calories - How much damage can your favorite coffee drink do in additional calories added to your diet? You don't need to give up your favorite coffee drink, but just adjust your coffee order to make it more calorie conscious. Try these tips to make your next coffee drink guilt-free.

Daily Calorie Goals - The number of calories you regularly eat are reflected in the week-to-week changes of your weight record. Extra calories, obviously, can turn into extra pounds. So, it's important to regulate how many calories you eat each day in order to lose or maintain weight. If you can regularly meet these daily calorie goals, you should be able to reach your overall weight goal.

Determine Your Body Mass Index (BMI) -
Your Body Mass Index (BMI) is a tool that can help adults determine whether you are at risk for a weight-related illness by correlating the ratio between your height and weight with body fat.

Diet Recipes -
Since I always seem to be one a diet and trying to lose weight, I've included my personal collection of low fat recipes, low calorie recipes, low carbohydrate recipes, and diet recipes that I have collected (includes many recipes from my main web site that I have adapted).

Dieting Hints & Tips - Lots of dieting hints and tips for help you on your dieting goal.

Food Nutritional Value Chart -
This chart is strictly an aid to help you on your favorite diet program in analyzing your recipes. All information is intended for your general knowledge only and is not a substitute for medical advice or treatment for specific medical conditions.

picture How To Eat Out On A Diet or How To Survive Without Blowing Your Diet! - Don't avoid restaurants when dieting! Eating out is fun and relaxing. You can eat out and eat healthy, too. Many restaurants offer delicious low-fat, low-cholesterol meals. The most important thing you can do is to be aware of healthy choices and to make wise choices.

Juicing For Weight Loss - Juicing for weight loss has such a wealth of body benefits that it is fast replacing water detox regimens. If a healthy diet and nutrition program is uppermost on your list of priorities, you will soon discover that juicing for weight loss is the optimal option.

Linda's Diet Statement -
Eat to live, don't live to eat! I hate or dislike (hate is a strong word) the above statement because I am a true "foodie" who loves good food. I still love good food and always will. I just try to be selective in what foods I choose to eat at any given time.

Making Sense of Portion Sizes - Portion Control Secrets -
Most of us tend to underestimate the amount of food we eat and tend to overestimate the recommended portion sizes for many foods. Almost everyone underestimates the amount of calories they consume, and people who weigh more do so to a greater degree.

Menopause and Weight Gain - After menopause and over a span of years (usually 10 or more), you may also see changes in your skin, such as increased dryness and wrinkling, and a change in hair texture. At this time, most women (around 2/3 of women) experience weight gain or difficulty maintaining their usual weight.

Resist The Stimuli Tempting Us To Overeat - Our relationship with food is complex. Eating is voluntary — and mandatory. Either way, we indulge. More than 67 percent of us are overweight, significantly so in many cases. Treat the information I'm about to provide with a certain respect. I have some ideas about how to get rid of that roundness in the area of your mid-section.

Why Weight Matters: Obesity and Your Health - We are a growing nation. In fact, according to the National Institutes of Health, more than sixty percent of Americans aged twenty years and older are overweight, and one-quarter of American adults are also obese. What does this mean for the health of our nation? Nothing good.

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